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It means they either don't know which finger they are supposed to wear it on or that they don't care what the cultural convention is. I could also mean that their ring finger is too big for the ring and that the ring needs resized. The wedding band goes on the second finger in from the pinky on the left hand.

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Q: What does wearing the wedding band on the small finger mean?
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Is it a must to wear wedding band on the forth left finger?

It is traditional to wear a wedding band on the forth left finger. Some European people wear their wedding bands on the right hand. If you want to wear your wedding band on a different finger then do so.

Is it mandatory to wear wedding band in the forth left finger?

yes, if you wear it on 4th finger only then it will be called wedding band, or else a normal ring

What hand does the wedding band go on?

Westerners have the tradition that the groom wears his wedding band on the left hand next to the little finger. Some Europeans will wear the wedding band on the right hand next to the little finger.

When you from America which finger does the man wear the wedding band on?

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left ring finger, next to the pinkie finger.

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Ring finger on the left hand. Wedding band goes on first, Engagment ring goes on second.

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A wedding ring or wedding band is a metal ring indicating the wearer is married. Depending on the local culture, it is worn on the base of the right or the left ring finger. The custom of wearing such a ring has spread widely beyond its origin in Europe.

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* Generally an Eternity Ring is worn on another finger where it is on it's own and shows up more than crowded in with an engagement ring and wedding band, but there are no rules that you can't wear it on your wedding band finger and it should go below the wedding band and engagement ring.

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