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Catholic AnswerIn Christianity, white symbolizes joy, purity, innocence, holiness, and glory. The newly baptized is instructed to "receive this white garment, which thou shalt carry stainless before the judgement-seat of Our Lord Jesus Christ that thou mayest have everlasting life." (translation from the old Latin Baptismal ceremony)
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it represents pureness and cleanness after you have been christened

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The pure state of forgiven sins.

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Purity and virginity.

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Q: What does the white garment symbolize?
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What does the white garment received in Baptism mean?

The white garment signifies purity and innocence.

What color is good for baptism?

The color of Baptism is white, which is used to symbolize Faith, Hope, Purity and New Life. When preforming a baptism a priest wears a white stole and the infant or catechumen is often dressed in white, or is ceremoniously presented with a white garment, and given a white candle.

What has the author A A White written?

A. A. White has written: 'The art of garment making'

Why would a Mormon dress all in white?

Adult members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) who have participated in a special Temple ceremony are obligated to wear a special undergarment called the Temple Garment. The garment is worn for several reasons: *The garment is symbolic of the covenants and promises they made with God as a part of the ceremony, and is a constant reminder of these covenants and promises. *As Mormons have an all lay clergy, the garment serves as a sort of priestly clothing, much like priests and pastors in other Christian faiths will wear a special robe or collar to symbolize their authority. *Mormons believe that the garment is sacred and will serve as a protection against evil to body and spirit. *The garment enforces conservative modesty standards. *The garment is believed to be the literal modern interpretation of the white garments placed on Aaron and his sons as they were annointed in the tabernacle of the Old Testament. The garment is white, to symbolize purity (except in the case of combat military personel, who may special order the garment in colors to fit military standards). It is produced by the Church and comes in many fabric types and styles, but essentially is like wearing boxer shorts and a t-shirt under your regular clothes. As Mormons believe that it is sacred, they can become very offended when it is mocked or spoken of without reverence and respect.

Red roses with one white rose?

Red roses symbolize love, while white roses symbolize purity.

How does the white house symbolize freedom?

It is the house of the president and doesn't really symbolize freedom.

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They represent white people

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The white horse symbolizes beauty and purity. Seeing one can symbolize good luck and this is considered a rare event.

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White elephants symbolize wealth, power, and prosperity in some cultures, particularly in Southeast Asia. They are considered sacred and are associated with royalty and good fortune. Owning a white elephant was believed to bring prestige and blessings to the owner.

What does the baptism outfit symbolize?

We wear a white gown or garment because baptism is like the rebirth of a person and white represents purity of the soul. In some churches it is traditional, if the garment is saved until death, to be buried wearing the baptismal gown (where obviously this may not always be practical). This practice serves as a reminder and a comfort to loved ones and friends that the departed one is a Christian and is now completing the journey which began at baptism in hope of the resurrection to come.