It means that you can't eat them during Passover.
The word leaning means an inclination or tendency. Leaning can also mean tilting out of a vertical position. Leaning is a very common word in the English language.
If you mean 'Is the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy?' then that would be a yes
The Jewish nation celebrates its birth as a nation and its redemption from slavery in Egypt on Passover (Pesach). In the distant past, eating while leaning was a luxury for royalty, and on these nights, Jews pamper themselves by emulating that royal tradition.
The holiday of Passover is when we celebrate how HaShem brought us out of slavery in Egypt.
I'm going to assume you mean the cushions that under the pool cover. They keep the rain water from pooling up on your cover.
If you mean 'when the Earth is leaning away from the Sun', the answer would be winter
It represents the tears of slavery.
. It means the ship is leaning on the side
leaning on someone
Depends on if you mean stop it from leaning more - that's already been done - or if you mean make it straight. We probably could, by now. But since it's the lean that's made it famous, I don't Think anyone would want to do that.
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