

Best Answer
  • In many cases men will not wear their wedding band because of the line of work they do such as working around machinery and the ring could get caught and the man could lose a finger. Some men simply don't like jewelry so if your husband didn't wear rings before you were married then he may not feel comfortable wearing one now. In some situations some men (not all) can take their wedding band off at appropriate moments to appear single, but if this was the case with your husband he would wear his wedding band around you. It is time for the two of you to learn to communicate and there is no reason you shouldn't be asking him this question because he has the true answer.
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Q: What does it mean when your husband does not wear his wedding band?
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Related questions

Does the man wear his wedding band during engagement?

No, he doesn't wear his wedding band until after the wedding.

Is it a must to wear wedding band on the forth left finger?

It is traditional to wear a wedding band on the forth left finger. Some European people wear their wedding bands on the right hand. If you want to wear your wedding band on a different finger then do so.


Ray Lewis doesn't wear a wedding band because he doesn't need one.

Should I buy a similar wedding ring to the one I lost over weekend. Am a widow and still feel need to wear one?

We are sorry to hear your husband has passed away. No ring will ever take the place of the one your true love gave you. If you feel more comfortable with a similar ring then do so, but you can wear a ring that looks real, but the diamonds are made from Austrian Crystal or, you could buy the real thing. You can also simply wear a single wedding band on your left finger where your ring was. If your husband wore a wedding band and you still have it then you could have his wedding band sized. If he had any ring other than his wedding ring you could have that sized and wear it.

Is it mandatory to wear wedding band in the forth left finger?

yes, if you wear it on 4th finger only then it will be called wedding band, or else a normal ring

Why does chino wear a wedding band?

he misses his wife

Why do you wear a wedding ring?

To show the love and fidelity that you have for your husband/wife.

Are you supposed to wear your engagement band first or second?

It's always upon you and the design of the Engagement Ring and the Wedding Band. But I think that you should wear the wedding ring/band first and after that Engagement Ring because Wedding is more special day in your life and it will always stay closer to your heart.

Husband promises to wear his wedding band then rarely wears it he said he would?

I have an engagement ring and a wedding band, but my husband requested he didn't want a wedding band. Men can work in jobs where wearing rings can be dangerous (getting caught in machinery) and it doesn't mean he's cheating on you. He doesn't wear a band, and because of the work I have to do sometimes I only wear mine when going out. Means nothing! If he doesn't want to wear it don't make him, but, if you like yours then wear it and don't use it to try and make a point with him. I highly doubt it has anything to do with him cheating on you. MarcyMy husband has been a muscle car/stock car/collector car mechanic for over 30 years. He ALWAYS wears his wedding ring, course its just a small gold band. The only problem he ever had with it was little beads of welding flux stuck to it, and he buffed them off himself with his grinder/buffer at work. If MY husband didn't wear his wedding ring, EITHER WOULD I...............IF IT'S GOOD FOR THE GOOSE.............. My husband builds yachts and is around many acidic properties and fiberglass and his wedding ring wouldn't last a week under those conditions. He use to work in a saw mill years ago and it was a stipulation by management that no rings were to be worn after an employee got his ring caught in a piece of machinery and lost his finger. Some men don't like jewelry and my husband is one of them. He received a beautiful gold ring with a diamond in it from a yacht company he previously worked for and he never wears that either. The only thing he wears is his watch. I can deal with that. I don't always wear my wedding band or engagement ring either. Doing housework, gardening, etc., I like to keep my good rings in good shape. I also fear if I take my ring off before doing a chore I'll lose it again! LOL I think the person asking the question shouldn't make a big deal out of it and if she doesn't want to wear her ring either then don't. That simple. Some people believe if their husband doesn't wear a wedding band (means diddly anyway .... they can take it off at anytime) means they are cheating. That's not always true. My first husband was also a mechanic and drag raced on the weekends. He wore a wedding band and it never stopped him from cheating and that's why I divorced him. My second husband has never owned a wedding band and has never cheated on me (and I've never cheated on him.) Go figure!

What hand is a man suppose to wear his wedding band on?


Is is appropriate to wear a ring where your wedding band was after a divorce?

Go for it!

Where does the girl wear her wedding band?

Ring finger on the left hand. Wedding band goes on first, Engagment ring goes on second.