Diwali is a Hindu festival which is celebrated in India as a day of home coming of Rama to Ayodhya after completing the tenure of 14 years of his exile. It reminds of his victory over Ravana the king of SriLanka - representing a victory of Virtue over Evil.
Diwali is also celebrated as a day of Worship of Lakshmi - the Goddess of wealth
To mostt people canada may be remembered as china because their names both start with a "c" but to other people it could be remembered as a lot of different couintries. just depends on who you are.
On Diwali-this indicates festival Diwali. At Diwali-It might indicates Diwali is some Place.
Diwali cards are sent to peple on diwali to wish them.
Fire crackers are Diwali crackers. Being lighten up on diwali people also call them as Diwali crackers.
Diwali is spelled Diwali.
Diwali is a fun festival!
Yes candles are used in Diwali. Diyas are also lit on Diwali.
Diwali is not always celebrated in November the date of Diwali depends on the Hindu calender.
Diwali but it is pronounced DEE-VAHL-EE
Diwali also known as deepawali and the festival of lights.
No muslims do not celebrate Diwali.
There are no myths about Diwali