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Q: What do you do if you've been out of work for 2 years?
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What should you do after saying i love you and she doesnt say it back?

It depends on how long youve been dating, if its 1-2(or somtimes more) weeks, then she might just not be ready for that yet. If youve been together for 2 months or more then, you need to ask her if she wants to move on with the relationship. She might like you alot but you guys might not be right for eachother if she doesnt know if she loves you..the best thing to do is talk to her..

Is a scam?

It has been reported that if you do work for them on a given day, that you will not receive any payment for that work for 1.5 to 2 years. Yes, YEARS. That would seem to qualify as a scam.

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Yes it does. Been using it with BF3 and have no connection problems . Had for 2 years now, going great.

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it had been 2 years

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You would probably be 18 years or older to be a land girl.

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How many years did Anne Frank work on her diary?

2 years

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if he is that special one then everything will work out fine.

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5 years

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james jones has been playing for 2 years

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2-4 years.

How many years equals 732 work days?

Assuming a typical work schedule of 5 days per week for a full year, 732 work days would be approximately equal to 2 years and 11 months.