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A kid who rips open all the presents on Christmas morning is probably just a little too excited!

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Q: What do you call a kid who rips open all the presents on Christmas morning?
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In England do they open Christmas presents on Christmas Day?

In England people do open presents on Christmas day, the day after father Christmas has come

When do kids in America open there presents for Christmas?

Normally they open their presents in the morning of the 25th december, christmas day's morning. They believe that Santa Claus bring the presents in the night of the 24th december and then the next day their under the christmas tree. So they wake up next day in the morning and open then the presents, which Santa Claus brought them.

What do Denmark people do on christhmas morning?

Enjoy our presents. We open our presents on Christmas Eve, the 24th of December.

What do people do for Christmas in Illinois?

The same thing I think everyone else does! we open presents on christmas morning:)

When open American children their Christmas presents?

American children typically open their Christmas presents on the morning of December 25th. Some families may have different traditions or celebrations where presents are exchanged at other times during the holiday season.

What will happen if you open your Christmas present early?

Its not the best thing to do, unless you are allowed to open one of your Christmas presents early. Most kids leave it until Christmas morning to open them, because theres more to open!

Why do some people wait until Christmas morning to open presents?

Christmas is the day where people are happy... and it's the day when I, and most other people open gifts.

What events happened at Christmas?

well what ever traditions you do on that some people on Christmas eve wait for the next morning and open their Christmas eve presents and their Christmas day gifts on the same day which is Christmas morning.

What happens at event?

well what ever traditions you do on that some people on Christmas Eve wait for the next morning and open their Christmas eve presents and their Christmas Day gifts on the same day which is Christmas morning.

Do you open presents on Christrmas or Christmas eve?

No, some people open their presents on Christmas Day, some on Christmas Eve.

When do Italian peole open their Christmas presents?

They do not open their Christmas presents until January 6th.

In India do they open Christmas presents on Christmas day or Christmas Eve?

They open their gifts on Christmas Day at Midnight. they open their gifts on Christmas day either at midnight or when they wake up in the morning