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girls like flowers chocolates and a little something special (this is meant sexually) .Also if its to a girl you like you could give her a teddy bear and with the type of flowers you should get roses!

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14y ago
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10y ago

Girls LOVE LOVE LOVE jewelry. I personally am old fashioned, so something like a cutesy heart necklace and a single rose is soooooooooo romantic. If she isn't old fashioned, maybe a necklace with the initial of your first name in rhinestones. If you are really rich, something nice like a silver, gold, or even diamond necklace or bracelet. If you aren't so rich, a teddy bear with chocolates and a rose is adorable. One of my friends gave me a sterling silver heart necklace, which was sweet. Another GREAT idea, if you are musical, is writing her a love song, or even a poem. That is a girl's romantic dream. !


Especially American girls.

Edit Servylia's Answer:

If she's the girly type, ask her what does she like. Buy or make her what she likes. If she's the tomboyish type, do the same, ask her. If she doesn't like anything then give her a kiss or a romantic card. Write a poem, song, haiku, etc. If you're the person short on money, then give her a kiss when you guys are out looking at the moon at night. I forgot to mention, give her, her favorite kind of chocolate. You can ask her to come to your house and have dinner.

CHELSEA: I'm the laid back type of girl that you see everyday at school. treat your woman to a Teddy bear and some chocolate that is the best... nd i guess a cute necklace is nice. Flowers is a bit old but that awesome. i would recommend a teddybears , chocolate nd jewelry a necklace the Best!


you could tell her that you love her ♥, just do it, it's the best present, trust me!

For a Girl, a Valentine love dress is very important and most of the girls like to wear a Gown on the eve of Valentines Day 2014

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15y ago

I'd like a letter or like one of my boyfriend's shirts that smells like him. It'd also be nice if he'd cook for once. Flowers are over rated, and if you get them something other than that its like you're buying them. Maybe sex, champagne, and strawberries is the safest way to go!

I thought flowers were overrated for the longest time but now when i get them i love it. oh and I suggest getting something other than roses. but most of all something with meaning to the both of you is the best gift.

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12y ago

Guys like to be pampered, whether they admit it or not. It depends on the guy, but most like weekend getaways, or even a weekend trip with the boys. your guy will like what ever you chose, as long as you remember a few tips: 1) this is for him and not you. 2)If you really know your man, then this truly should not be that hard.. The day maybe for love, but you do not need to give the gift of TOGETHER, to show your love. A guy loves a woman that will give him time to himself and his friends, too!

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13y ago

I think most reasonable girls will be happy you were thoughtful enough to get them a gift at all! Flowers, Chocolate, Massage oil ( that you will be using later ), Lingerie..jewlery with hearts ....Anything romantic! I really like poetry and I wish I could write some for my sweetheart. I think that a poem that she can hang on the wall to remind her every day of how much I love her would be the best. The one I got her I did by searching the web for "poetrait". Ended up with the perfect one. It said:

When I stand

In your embrace

I have measure

Each step away


Like telephone poles

On a desert highway

And it was mounted on a stretched canvas with a cool picture.

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16y ago

For younger girls ages 12-20 would like plain chocolate or flowers maybe a necklace. Ages older would love a ring. If any of those don't work just give them money.

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12y ago

Flowers, Chocolate, A Fancy Card With A Good Note and of course a rose! Every girl needs red for valentines day! ;)

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