In their ninth month, Ramadan, they are required to fast, meaning not eat or drink, from sunrise to sunset. However, their calendar is built arount the lunar cycle, so their Ramadan can come in our March.
Christians do not have a fasting month, only Muslims do.
Ramadan is one month each year. Muslims use the Hijri calendar not the Gregorian calender.
doing fasting
it is an EId one of the celebrations of Muslims which is celebrated after the month of ramadan in which muslims keep their fasts :)
Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset every day for the full month of Ramadan. Ramadan is itself the name of a month in the Islamic Calendar. As the Islamic Calendar has only 354 days in its year, the month of Ramadan does not stay consistent with one Gregorian month. This year, Ramadan falls roughly within the Gregorian month of July, but has been within every month from January to December.
one month. they HAVE to fast in this month or they will get sinned. The Muslims keep fast for the month of Ramzan. Under certain conditions they may be exempted from keeping fast especially if one is ill, or goes on a journey.
it is an EId one of the celebrations of Muslims which is celebrated after the month of ramadan in which muslims keep their fasts :)
according to Islam a Muslim should fast during days at one month per year. the Islamic month for fast is Ramadan and during day Muslims do not eat and drink. but during night (sunset to sunrise) eating and drinking is allowed.
Muslims should not drink wine and should not eat pork and blood and meat of dead animals (without slaughter). some birds and some fishes are restricted. also Muslims should fast in days one month each year
It is the month of Ramadan (the 9th month in the Islamic Lunar Calendar or Hijra Calendar)
During the month of Ramadan fasting is compulsary for every adult muslim.
the 9th month of Islamic calendar is the month of Ramadan that Muslims are required to fast its days as one of the Islam five pillars. By end of this month, Muslims celebrate a feast called Eid Alftr.