The zodiac star sign for July 24 is Leo (July 24 - August 23).
You will turn 27 in 2014.
19th October 1987 was a Monday.
24 th july 2012
24 th july 2012
July 26th, 2000 fell on a Wednesday.
It is 8/24 of a day.
They celebrate the usual Christmas, New Year and Easter holidays. They also have Labour Day on May 1st, African Freedom Day on May 25 th, Heroes Day and Unity Day on first Monday and Tuesday in July, Farmer's Day on August 1st and Independence Day on October 24 th.
November 24, 1944 fell on a Friday.
June 24 th is the day San Juan was baptised by Jesus.
In the US, the next federal holiday after Memorial Day is the Fourth of July. The next holiday without time off is Father's Day.