June 11 1952 was a Wednesday.
July 11, 1952 fell on a Friday.
November 11, 1952 fell on a Tuesday.
August 11, 1952 fell on a Monday.
It was a Saturday.
Depending on the time format you're using (DD-MM-YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY): November 5, 1952 was a Wednesday. May 11, 1952 was a Sunday. According to http://earthonly.com/tools/weekday.php
May 11 1970 was a Monday.
May 11 1944 was a Thursday.
May 11 2010 was a Tuesday.
There are two answers to that, depending on your interpretation of the date: The 11th of January 1952 was a Friday. November the 1st 1952 was a Saturday.
May 11, 1972 fell on a Thursday.