If you are in UK then you have missed it, it was March 10th. May 12th is Mothers Day in USA
The flower that symbolises Mother's Day in the UK is the daffodil.
Mothers Day was celebrated on Sunday March 30th
Sunday the 11th of March 2018.
Yes, Mother's Day is in May in the US, and March in the UK, Father's day in June.
Mothers Day is celebrated in the UK (which includes England) but on a different date from other countries (15 March)
Mothers Day in the UK always falls on a Sunday, as it is also known as Mothering Sunday as well. It was held on the 26th March 2011.Mother's Day in the UK falls on the fourth Sunday of Lent, which in 2011, is April 3rd.
Mother's Day 1970 was celebrated on Sunday May 10 (not UK).
Different countries have it on different days. In the UK it was March 30 2014
In 2000, Mother's Day fell on May 14 (not UK or America).
Not in the UK, Mothers Day is always on Sunday, a traditional day of rest for most people and not a public holiday.
it depends on your own view of Mothers Day. Mothering Sunday is a Christian festival celebrated throughout Europe that falls on the 4th Sunday in Lent. However, children used to take a Simnel cake to their mothers and this dates back to the 1600s. Other records are round about 1870 this being the modern day Mothers Day.