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How many Supervisors are there on WikiAnswers?

Number of WikiAnswers SupervisorsAs of January 6th, 2016 there are 522 Supervisors on WikiAnswers, but that figure may change from day-to-day.See for the current list of Supervisors.

How quickly is the WikiAnswers Supervisor group growing?

The Supervisors group has grown tremendously since the program existed. As of May 1, 2010, over 900 supervisors are constantly editing, answering, and recategorizing questions every day. See the Related Question to see the list of supervisors.

Which medium allows supervisors to transmit messages twenty-four hours a day?

E-mail and voicemail

Are Community Assistants considered Supervisors?

Community Assistants are supervisors, yes, but they are also have additional powers and responsibilities that supervisors don't have.

Can actually answer any of your questions?

Yes, that is actually what Staff, Supervisors, Members, and Visitors do every day, all day. We don't get to every question every day, with millions of questions asked every day, but we try!

Can all Senior Supervisors edit other contributors' profiles on WikiAnswers?

There are Advanced Supervisors and there are Senior Supervisors. Senior Supervisors supervise a top-level category such as Animal Life or Health. Advanced Supervisors are those who spend time organizing the various catch-all categories as well as Harmful Questions to Delete. Advanced Supervisors have the ability ("advanced powers") to delete questions from the database permanently and edit profiles, among other things. Most Senior Supervisors have advanced powers (but not all), and many Advanced Supervisors are not Senior Supervisors.

Which WikiAnswers category has the most supervisors?

The "Math" category with eight Supervisors.

First and foremost supervisors are-?

First and foremost, supervisors are there to monitor you.

How to turn incompetant supervisors into competant supervisors?


Who oversees probation officers?

their supervisors who are appointed by the Dept. of Corrections

Do supervisors get their own forum home page?

Yes, there is an additional forum for supervisors.

Are supervisors who are blocked allowed to become supervisors again under another username?

No, they are not.