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other countries might celebrate valentines day , like haveing diner and the give gifts, or maybe couples or other people might go out to eat at diner, or maybe the families just have a big diner, or the could have parades. or just the same way we do it in Sierra Vista Arizona. we just give gifts to others and make deserts to give to people and stuff ;loke that not really that much. well anyways hope this question worked or helped you weith something at least ok thank you comment below. :)

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10y ago
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13y ago

The US, Canada, Mexico, France, Australia, and the UK

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12y ago

In Japan girls give boys they like chocolate.

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11y ago

In various ways.... more than I really want to list here. Instead, I will direct you to the related links section.

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11y ago

like all other countries chocolates, love, kiss, sex idk ??

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