Actually, at least in recent years in the US, more births occur in July, August and September than in other months. If it seems that more people have birthdays in December and January, it is probably a local random situation - by chance more of the people whose birthdays you know just happen to be born in these months. The difference in birth rates is small, so it would not be improbable that a small sample should vary from the norm.
Anniversaries go by the year, not the month. Birthdays have more meaning when it comes to months and 'signs' gemstones, etc.
birthdays because not everyone celebrates christmas
No, the correct grammar would be "More birthdays to come."
There tend to be more births in September and October. This may be because there is holiday season nine months before, or from the fact that the longest nights of the year happen in the Northern Hemisphere nine months before as well.[8] October 5 is considered to be the most populous birthday in the United States.[9]
Get Superstarness For More Than 3 months, THen You'll Get An Income (certain Amount)
'Birthdays (no hyphen) to come' is just fine: We wish you many happy, healthy birthdays to come.
An octopi's gestation period is about 7 months. You can get a more exact answer if there is a certain species of octopus you are looking for.
you can get a job, or save money from birthdays or holidays
thousands of people but most likely more
Yes, statistically there are more births recorded in some months over others but each day of the year still averages a similar number of birthdays globally. However, there can be variations in birth rates due to cultural or economic factors.