In the Catholic Church, and in Protestant Churches that derive their rituals from the Catholic Church, paraments are not used at all on Good Friday.
A parament, which is sometimes called an antependium, is the relatively heavily decorated hanging or tapestry for the front of the altar table. It conceals the front of the altar from the top to the floor, and from the left edge to the right edge. A parament is optional, unlike the mandatory altar cloth or cloths that cover the top surface.
If used, paraments should match the liturgical color of the priest's vestments, and this would suggest that the parament should match the black or red vestments worn by the priest on Good Friday, however paraments should not be used on Good Friday.
The altars are completely stripped after the Mass of the Last Supper, on the evening of Holy Thursday. The altar remains bare for most of the Good Friday afternoon service. At the end of the Good Friday service, before Holy Communion is to be distributed, a single, plain, usually white altar cloth is spread on the top of the altar table. The decorative parament or antependium is not permitted or used. Indeed, the only cloths used at the altar at this point are the single altar cloth, and a corporal about eighteen inches square, upon which the ciborium containing the Eucharist is placed.
There is no requirement (or even recommendation) for what people should wear on Good Friday. A Catholic priest wears red if he is celebrating Good Friday according to the Novus Ordo. If he is celebrating according to the Extraordinary Form then the assigned colors for the day are black and violet. Violet for the Offices of the Day, and Black for the celebration of the Passion.
monday is color white Tuesday is color yellow Wednesday is color blue Thursday is color green Friday is pink Saturday is brown Sunday is red
Roman Catholic AnswerBefore Vatican Council II, Good Friday was celebrated in black vestments. Since the reform of the liturgy, the Good Friday liturgy is celebrated in red vestments.
Good Friday was on the 13th of April in 1990.
Yes, Good Friday did fall on April 4 1969. Easter Sunday fell on April 6th of that year.
He wears red vestments when presiding over Good Friday services.
Good Friday falls on a Friday each year.
Good Friday 2012 was on Friday, April 6.
Good Friday 2013 was on Friday, March 29.
Good Friday 2012 was on Friday, April 6.
Good Friday 2014 was on Friday, April 18.
Good Friday 2009 was on Friday, April 10.
Good Friday 2015 will be on Friday, April 3.