What? Red is a primary color, you can not mix colors to make red. You can use red to make other colors.
You can make any color out of blue, red, and yellow, but no colors can be mixed to make those three colors. Blue+Red= Purple Blue+Yellow= Green Yellow+Red= Orange White+Red= Pink
red and yellowred and yellowthe two primary colors that make orange is red and yellow
Red is a primary color. You cannot make red by mixing any other colors. You can use red to make orange (with yellow) or purple (with blue).
Red and yellow. There are no other colors besides red and yellow that make orange.
Red is a primary color, so you cannot make it by mixing any other colors.
The two primary colors that make the color purple are red and blue. The primary colors red and yellow can be mixed to make orange.
Red, blue, and yellow are primary colors. No other colors make them. They are mixed to make other colors...
its a primary colour you cant make red
Red is a primary color. You cannot make red by mixing any other colors. You can use red to make orange (with yellow) or purple (with blue).
black and red