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what clues did Marley give about his personality as a living person in the Christmas carol

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Q: What clues did Marley give about his personality as a living person in A Christmas Carol?
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What clues does Marley give about his personality as a living person?

On his visit to Scrooge Marley clearly tells Scrooge that his life did not move from the counting house meaning he worked like Scrooge for money at all times and that mankind and its welfare should have been his business

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The first Spirit (The Ghost Of Christmas Past) as foretold by Marley was there to show Scrooge his own past. This brought out many difficult situations that he suffered as a child and young man, most of which made him in to the person he was to to

In A Christmas Carol Scrooge and Marley act II what person is masculine singular?

The person that is masculine singular in "A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley Act II" is Ebenezer Scrooge. He is the main character and is portrayed as a miserly and selfish man at the beginning of the story.

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If you are a crafty person then homemade decorations are great. Try Martha Stewart, HGTV, Southern Living and Better Homes and Gardens for lots of great ideas on homemade Christmas decorations.

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i don't know who the first person was, but the man who made it popular was Albert Sadacca

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One notable quote by Bob Marley, Jacob Marley's ghostly partner in "A Christmas Carol" is: "Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence were all my business."

Who is Past in A Christmas Carol?

The ghost of Christmas past. The term past also referred to someone who may have died (passed on) In this case the most influential person or character is Jacob Marley who died 7 years prior

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depends on ther personality of the person.. question needs more detail. You could found out what this person likes and base the present on a hobby or something like that :)

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Bob Marley.....

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To live as a true Christian affects a person's personality very much in a positive direction, I think people would call it living in Christ or following Christ.

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A person can find out who Damian Marley is by searching the information online. They also can find out about Damian Marley if they look the information up in the magazines.

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If a person has a birthday on December 10th, it tells us that this person celebrates his or her birthday 15 days before Christmas. Of course, we don't know that this hypothetical person is a Christian or cares about Christmas, but nonetheless, that interval does exist. As for personality analysis, predictions of the future, and assorted astrological analysis, none of that is real.