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There are no particular clothing requirements for Hanukkah in Jewish law. Whatever is acceptable for the rest of the year is good for Hanukkah too. Hanukkah is not one of the major Jewish festivals.

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10y ago

Dress clothing should be worn, though there's no specific requirement.

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11y ago

There is no such thing as Hanukkah people.
Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah, but they do not wear any special clothing during Hanukkah.

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11y ago

Jewish people don't have any special clothing traditions for Hanukkah.

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11y ago

No specific type of clothes is required.

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When people celebrate Hanukkah do they wear any special clothes?

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Sorry but you can't get free clothes you have have to buy them the only WA y you can get free clothes is if someone sends them to youy from there page

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There are no special clothes worn on Hanukkah. It depends on the family custom as to how much the family dresses up.

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There are no specific requirements or traditions concerning how to dress during Hanukkah.

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One could dress formally, but there are no specific requirements for Hanukkah concerning clothing.

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There is no clothing associated with Hanukkah, but my recommendation would be not to wear red or green, because those colors are associated with Christmas.

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