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You can tell her how much she means to you, how much she has impacted you in sixteen years , and you can share a memory.

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Q: What can you say for your mom in your sweet sixteen candle?
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How do you say Sweet Sixteen in french?

Sweet sixteen is not an expression that translates into French. It is an English idiom.

Sweet sixteen candle sayings for your boyfriend?

say you love him and hope his is the man you marry. if you thinky that is corny say he has been there for you through every bad thing our think of goodd moments and paraphraisse them. happy sweet 16 hope its all good. good luck!!!!!!! ;} ;} ;} ;} ;};};};};}

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Candle in Armenian is called ''mom'' ans pronounced as ''ball''.

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With the 3S prefix to your serial number,I can say that your browning sweet sixteen was made in 1963.

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娘盛り (musume zakari)

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say your name is tom cruise

How do you say happy sweet sixteen in french?

« Amuse-toi bien pour tes seize ans ! », or we can use the English expression, which is also common in french : « Joyeux Sweet Sixteen ! »

What is the value of a 1954 Winchester sweet sixteen never fired original instructions?

Your question is confusing to say the least. 1. Winchester never made a "Sweet Sixteen"... that distinction belongs the Browning. 2. What do you mean by "original instructions"?

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Well you Don't have a Sweet Sixteen so I would say when you have your first action

What is the value and age of a Browning sweet 16 gauge in excellent condition numbered 98036?

Your browning 16ga auto-5 shotgun was made in 1934 with the serial number that you provided.However the browning sweet-sixteen auto-5 shotgun was not offered until 1937.These sweet-sixteen shotguns were made from 1937-1975.Does your browning shotgun say sweet-sixteen on the shotgun?If so please check your serial number again.

What can you say for your best friend on your sweet 16 candle ceremony?

You may want to say to your friend how much the friendship means to you and how thankful you are to have them in your life. Maybe you could offer candle toast or a wish during the ceremony to celebrate.