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ANSWER 1 according to my point of view the main causes of dowry system is own women. most of the dowry death case the boy's mother play major role for dowry. according to mother suggestion the son take step forward. ANSWER2 Answer2 PRESENT CAUSE 1. Dowry being the traditional, done thing, an accepted norm existing for generations to renegade is difficult. This is why dowry continues. 2. Dowry system continues out of necessity. Examples: A family accepts dowry for boy in the family (even though wanting to stop the traditional practice) out of compulsion that arises because the girl in the same family when wedded has to give dowry. The family justifies saying we take dowry for the boy because we have to give dowry for the girl. Another reason is when the boy's father has borrowed huge sums of money for the boy's education. The loan and its interest is mounting. It becomes imperative for this family to take dowry so that the money borrowed can be returned. Often while taking loan the money that will come into the family from dowry is figured in. So also, most parents keep saving for dowry from the time of birth of the female child because of the inevitable certainly of having to pay dowry at the time of girl's wedding. These two examples show pragmatic causes of dowry system prevailing through ages till now. ORIGINAL CAUSE FOR THE ANCIENT DOWRY SYSTEM 3. Originaly dowry acted as offering of insurance policy for those who got married. Dowry was safeguard for the girl in eventuality of being deserted by husband or becoming widow (child widows were many and they could not remarry.)

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Q: What are the main causes of dowry system in India?
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