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Here are the steps to a typical Hindu wedding. The rituals are usually embedded in the preparations and ceremony of wedding.

Step1 Arrange the proposal so that the whole family feels included in the event. In this way, you will receive approval from elders, and the family will also be able to determine whether they think you and your partner are compatible for marriage.

Step2 Check with an astrologer to match your horoscopes and determine an auspicious date and location for the wedding. Many Hindu ceremonies take place at the bride's house or at a hall.

Step3 Decide if you will have guests sit on the floor, as is typical at Hindu weddings, or whether you would prefer to go the more modern route and provide chairs.

Step4 Include the 15 rituals that traditionally make up a Hindu wedding ceremony. Or, if you prefer, select only those that have special meaning for you as a couple.

Step5 Provide a sari bought by the groom for the bride to change into during the ceremony. (The outfit she arrives in will typically be bought by her parents.) The change of clothes is very meaningful, since it signifies the shift of responsibility from the parents to the husband.

Step6 Offer food and alternate entertainment to occupy the guests during the wedding ceremony. (Eating, drinking and talking during the ceremonial events is accepted practice at Hindu weddings.)

Step7 Order garlands of flowers that the bride and groom will exchange during the ceremony, often along with rings, to symbolize acceptance and welcome.

Step8 Bring a gold necklace if you would like to include the "tying the knot" ritual, in which the groom ties the necklace around the bride's neck.

Step9 Include a portion of the ceremony (known as the saptapadi portion in Hindi) in which the bride and groom take seven steps together toward a long and happy marriage, praying for blessings such as wealth, happiness, strength and devotion with each step.

Step10 Prepare a mixture of honey and yogurt, which the bride offers the groom to ensure his good health and a sweet start for their marriage.

Step11 Offer food to the gods during the ceremony to obtain their blessings. (In the Hindu religion, there is one supreme being, with all other gods being aspects of this one.)

Step12 Provide a stone for the bride to stand on to signify her faithfulness and loyalty to the marriage.

Step13 Ask the groom's brother to sprinkle puffed rice for prosperity and flower petals on the couple after they exchange vows, following an ongoing Indian tradition.

Step14 Create a marriage mark on the bride's forehead with sedhu, or orange powder, to announce to the world that she is now married. After the mark is applied, the couple should touch each parent's feet and receive their parents' blessings.

Step15 Prepare a large feast to serve the guests following the ceremony. Expect family and friends to help make the food.

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16y ago
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14y ago

first the bride will come with parent or riding on animal or carriage which doesn't have wheel and 4 men have to carry it ,then a spiritual wedding. then once ceremony ends,the fun starts. PARTY! groom and bride will come as couple, then toast,speech, performance than eat(snack). do some more performance from family and friends then eat dinner. of course speech, performance, then dessert and end with everybody dancing. Either same night, usually tomorrow it be sad, because groom and bride takes off to house, honeymoon whatever. the end

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14y ago

1. May this couple be blessed with an abundance of resources and comforts, and be helpful to one another in all ways.

2. May this couple be strong and complement one another.

3. May this couple be blessed with prosperity and riches on all levels.

4. May this couple be eternally happy.

5. May this couple be blessed with a happy family life.

6. May this couple live in perfect harmony… true to their personal values and their joint promises.

7. May this couple always be the best of friends.

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13y ago

With the bewildering array of rituals, ceremonies and occasions connected with weddings in India it can be quite confusing as to the customs and traditions. But with these few tips you can put your mind at ease and truly enjoy a traditionally proper Hindu wedding with composure, grace and style...

  • Dress code
  • Carry along a scarf/stole if you don't have a dupatta
  • Removing shoes
  • Taking pictures
  • Prashad or Blessed food
  • Gifts
  • Food
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11y ago

There are many customs that take place during an Indian wedding ceremony. Typically, Indian wedding celebrations take place for three days and there are many customs included such as traditional dress.

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11y ago

There are many different customs during an Indian marriage ceremony, depending on the region where it takes place and the religion of the bride and groom. In some, the groom is anointed on his forehead and the bride receives Henna on her hands and feet. Indian weddings can last for multiple days.

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