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I LOVE April Fools Day! I have a few suggestions! :)

These ones are great if you live in a house or dorm:

1) Put salt on toothbrushes! It's not particularly bad tasting, but it is funny to see someone stick it in their mouth early in the morning!

2) Set off the fire alarms while everyone is sleeping! Okay, there are some limitations to this one. Check once, check twice, and check a third time that your smoke alarms are not monitored! The last think you want is for the fire department to show up! Be sure to stop everyone before they can call 911.

3) This one is a little tedious - if you can manage to find enough time, you should definitely try this! All you have to do is take a needle and thread, and sew a pile of shirts together! It doesn't have to be complicated - just connect them and make sure it holds!

4) Tape a small piece of paper to the laser of a computer mouse! It's a simple one, and will take several minutes for your victim to figure out!

5) If you know your target gets up during the night, set up traps along their route! Some nice ones are a wall of plastic wrap at head level (just make sure it is dark enough,) and a cheap motion alarm! There are some decent ones you can pick up on for under $20!

6) Although not exactly a prank, it's always funny to wake someone up in an obnoxious way! I recommend megaphones, air horns, and fire extinguishers! With that last one, there are some things you must check. Make sure your extinguisher is water or carbon dioxide - NOT DRY CHEMICAL!! You do not want to use a dry chemical extinguisher because it can cause breathing difficulty.

7) Hot sauce, hot sauce, hot sauce! This is a classic, but a good one! Add hot sauce to various foods, and serve them to unsuspecting victims! Make sure the hot sauce is not too hot, though! It CAN become dangerous if you overuse certain kinds.

And remember, it's even funnier if you can get these on video! Purchase hidden cameras, and if your building has security cameras, get access to the footage! I hope this helps, and happy pranking!

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12y ago
  • you could put vaseline on a doorknob so that somebody could not open it
  • you could stick a penny in the door so you can lock somebody in their
  • tie a rubber-band to the hose on your sink (which is not the regular thing you use to wash your hands) and face it forward so that when you turn the faucet on water squirts in their face
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Q: What are some good jokes on April Fools' Day?
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What are some good April Fools' Day jokes to put on your Facebook?

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Google has a great history of playing April Fools' jokes on its users. Some of these hoaxes include MentalPlex, which involved a series of error messages, PigeonRank, and Google Gulp.

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April fools was first developed by April F. Ules, who is also responsible with creating Valentine's Day and Veteran's Day. April Fools was his baby, though.

When did April Fools' Day originate?

Around 1582 in France, there was a reform of the calendar under Charles IX. This Gregorian Calendar changed New Year to January 1, instead of new year's week of March 25-April 1. In protest, some people in France continued to celebrate on the last day of the former celebration (April 1). Those people were called "fools", they were sent fake invitations to parties, and had other practical jokes played on them. This tradition of pranks and jokes spread in the 18th century. : )

Is April fools a proper noun?

Yes, the term April Fools is a proper noun because it is a specific day of the year. The noun April itself is a proper noun the name of a specific month. The noun fools, the plural form for fool, is a common noun unless used as the name of something like April Fools Day. Some other examples are the song, 'Only Fools Rush In' or the movie, 'Ship of Fools'.

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It lasts the whole day in Canada. Some people say this is not true , but April fools is ALL DAY!

What are some good April Fools' Day pranks for a teacher to play on her 5th grade students?

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Is April Fools' Day very popular?

it is very popular i mean pretty much all kids love a good laugh and pranks can give u that. Some people don't like pranks but not all are bad on April fools day it can be a mild prank ,big prank ,small joke, or even just a little white lie. so yes April fools day is very popular.