Halloween has changed over time because in Ireland back long long ago they didn't go trick or treating because no one thought of going trick or treating because it was a long time ago and all they would do is tell scary stories at mid night and talk to the gost that haunts them.
Computers have changed in many ways over the years. Technology has advanced< and it has become more easy to do stuff!
in what ways has drama changed over the past centuries
Baseball hyas changed in many ways, in yet so has football. Many sports have improved over years.
The most well known ways the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders uniforms have been changed is how much more revealing they are these days compared to years ago. The colors have also changed.
Over time, houses have changed in many ways. Some ways that houses have changed are, the materials made to build them, how many stories they have, and how many rooms are within them.
Time has really developed over the years. In the ancient times, man used things like the weather to tell what time it was. This has however, changed with more modern ways of accurately telling time.
Hip Hop has changed over the years in different ways, like it not just about violence's it about how you feel and how you want to express your self.
Some ways cars have changed over time: cars have become more stylish and more fuel efficient. Engines generally are smaller. Seat belts and air bags have been added for safety. Engines have been improved over time.
for halloween an junk like dat A.C
Classification systems have changed over time because biologists have found better ways to organize the increasing organisms .
Scientist says the sun has changed in 3 different ways, colour, size and distance.