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No. Palm Sunday now commemorates that day.

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Q: Was there a palm Sunday before Jesus came on a donkey?
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Where did the celebrattion on Palm Sunday occur?

The first palm Sunday took place in Jerusalem when Jesus came riding on the donkey humbly , It was the week before Good Friday and Easter.

When jesus rode into jerusalm on a donkey what did the multiple say?

Jesus wrode on a donkey on Palm Sunday to fulfill the prophecy of Zechariah chapter 9 verse 9. You see kings came on horses or chariots but Jesus came riding humbly on a donkey.

What happened one week before Easter?

Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday happens. It is when Jesus came to Jerusalem and was greeted by cheering crowds as he went through the streets on the back of a donkey. People waved palms. In churches, the gospel about the Passion is read, to symbolise the start of Holy Week, which is why it is also called Passion Sunday.Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday happens. It is when Jesus came to Jerusalem and was greeted by cheering crowds as he went through the streets on the back of a donkey. People waved palms. In churches, the gospel about the Passion is read, to symbolise the start of Holy Week, which is why it is also called Passion Sunday.Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday happens. It is when Jesus came to Jerusalem and was greeted by cheering crowds as he went through the streets on the back of a donkey. People waved palms. In churches, the gospel about the Passion is read, to symbolise the start of Holy Week, which is why it is also called Passion Sunday.Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday happens. It is when Jesus came to Jerusalem and was greeted by cheering crowds as he went through the streets on the back of a donkey. People waved palms. In churches, the gospel about the Passion is read, to symbolise the start of Holy Week, which is why it is also called Passion Sunday.Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday happens. It is when Jesus came to Jerusalem and was greeted by cheering crowds as he went through the streets on the back of a donkey. People waved palms. In churches, the gospel about the Passion is read, to symbolise the start of Holy Week, which is why it is also called Passion Sunday.Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday happens. It is when Jesus came to Jerusalem and was greeted by cheering crowds as he went through the streets on the back of a donkey. People waved palms. In churches, the gospel about the Passion is read, to symbolise the start of Holy Week, which is why it is also called Passion Sunday.Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday happens. It is when Jesus came to Jerusalem and was greeted by cheering crowds as he went through the streets on the back of a donkey. People waved palms. In churches, the gospel about the Passion is read, to symbolise the start of Holy Week, which is why it is also called Passion Sunday.Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday happens. It is when Jesus came to Jerusalem and was greeted by cheering crowds as he went through the streets on the back of a donkey. People waved palms. In churches, the gospel about the Passion is read, to symbolise the start of Holy Week, which is why it is also called Passion Sunday.Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday happens. It is when Jesus came to Jerusalem and was greeted by cheering crowds as he went through the streets on the back of a donkey. People waved palms. In churches, the gospel about the Passion is read, to symbolise the start of Holy Week, which is why it is also called Passion Sunday.Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday happens. It is when Jesus came to Jerusalem and was greeted by cheering crowds as he went through the streets on the back of a donkey. People waved palms. In churches, the gospel about the Passion is read, to symbolise the start of Holy Week, which is why it is also called Passion Sunday.Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday happens. It is when Jesus came to Jerusalem and was greeted by cheering crowds as he went through the streets on the back of a donkey. People waved palms. In churches, the gospel about the Passion is read, to symbolise the start of Holy Week, which is why it is also called Passion Sunday.

What did Jesus do in jeruslam?

Jesus clensed the temple and came on a colt on Palm Sunday.

What is the Sunday school lesson for Sunday February 20 2011?

Jesus came to serve

What are the lyrics to Jesus Rode a Donkey into Town?

Jesus rode a donkey into town. Many folks came out from miles around. What a sight to see. A man to set them free. Riding on a donkey into town. Hosanna hosanna"!

How aslam and jesus died?

Jesus was crucified. Jesus was nailed to a cross. Three days after he died he came back to life. This day happend to be Easter Sunday, or Palm Sunday.

What happened to the donkey after Jesus rode on it?

After Jesus came on a donkey, crowds followed shouting and waving palm branches they also put their clothes on the road.

Who changed Sabbath to Sunday?

The Jewish sabbath is on Saturday. Jesus Christ came back to life on a Sunday. This is why the Christian sabbath is on Sunday.

Why is passion Sunday important?

Roman Catholic AnswerAll Sundays are important but Palm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday, is the Sunday before Easter on which the Passion is read in its entirety.

Did Jesus ride a donkey?

Yes Jesus rode on a donkey when He came into Jerusalem this was a sign from prophecies that He was the Messiah.2nd Answer: Historians and Scientists say that donkeys were not used in the travels of Jesus throughout his life. Neither his family or his disciples rode donkeys.

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