The most popular part time jobs for the weekends are those in retail. Many retail stores are busier on the weekends and need extra people to restock and work in the check out lines. Food preparers and waiters/waitresses are other part time jobs that are in demand on the weekends.
took part in leisure activities
people say they want 4 day weekends because they are tierd of school and they want more weekend time to have fun
People had free time on the weekends ~APEX
To tell the time, and probably date as well. Knowing what time it is, is important to most people.
if on the weekends, she likes to A. have anal licks B. lick vaginas in her free time or C. eat kittens
it depends on what company or business you work for but most of the time no they dont work on weekends only monday through friday usually 7-5pm
Many people use the weekends to catch up on house cleaning such as laundry, cleaning floors or rearranging furniture and cleaning out closets. Others take the opportunity to spend their free time on weekends to lounge around watching tv or sleeping in.
It depends on the company. Most self-running taxis work all the time, with some holiday time whenever they want.
Most people go to the beach during the summer months when the weather is warm and sunny. Weekends and holidays are also popular times for beach visits due to people having time off from work and school.
Most places its 11 am, but I think on weekends its 11:30
accidents usually happen at night time or in the morning they could happen at any time present and future