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Q: Suppose you are working on a display for Thanksgiving The drawings construction paper and labels you use to make up the display are examples of what?
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Suppose you're working on a display for Thanksgiving The drawings construction paper and labels you use to make up the display are examples of what?

Suppose you're working on a display for Thanksgiving. The drawings, construction paper, and labels you use to make up the display are examples of what?

What are 5 things that were eaten at the first thanksgiving?

I suppose fruit , veggies,poultry , beef , fish

When is the commerical with Jerry Rice Brett Favre and Robert James coming on TV?

Already asked the question about the commercial that was suppose to be on at Thanksgiving.

Is construction paper safe to leopard geckos?

I suppose, but only if there's no harmful dye in it. The dye in construction paper would have chemicals that may or may not affect the reptile.

Where did Vincent van gogh draw his drawings?

I suppose you mean PAINTED his PAINTINGS. They were painted in the Hague, Nuenen, Antwerp, Paris, Arles, Auvers and Saint-Rémy.

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I suppose crocodiles and alligators are two examples.

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Lulls swears he is all heart, but you'll suppose By his proboscis that he is all nose.

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Because Thanksgiving is suppose to celebrate the exchange between European (white) and Natives. Columbus did not do a fair trade with the Natives, He tried to fool them plus he possibly brought communicable disease that disseminated some of the Native tribes.

Why are wall drawings vulnerable?

I suppose you do not mean drawings but paintings, called murals. They can be frescos, which means that the paint is united with the wall surface. Or they can be painted 'al secco', when the paint is on the surface of the wall. The latter kind is more vulnerable than the fresco. In both cases the wall surface deteriorates over time, which is a problem.

What kind of thanksgiving food can be baked or mashed?

Potatoes can be baked or mashed. Also yams or sweet potatoes. Also pumpkins. I suppose you could mash your turkey if you really wanted to ...

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Reading Righting Rithmatic It should be Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, but I suppose it was meant to be ironic.

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Because it's a fun way to be creative. Who knows, maybe your drawings may become the next big cartoon show.