3 October 1986 is 18 Ashwin 1393.
Thursday 2nd of Agrayahan 1393 or in the Gregorian Calendar it was Thursday the 23rd of November 1471 AD.
7th aswin 1993
7 falgun 1393
5th of Dhu al-Hijjah 1393
Bangla ashwin 11 , 1984 ,
srabon 25 date
what is bangla date on 16 october 1950
poeple in different parts of India follow different calendar. They all are Hindu calendars but are different from each other. You might want to have a look at saka calendar.
Bangla Bangers
The term Bangla Natok refers to a Bangladeshi television series. One can find clips and full episodes of the show on YouTube by entering it into the search bar.
You can see a calendar for 1995 at calendarlabs.com .