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Q: Should women return to traditional roles?
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What are you called if you believe women should stay at home and clean?

Someone who believes that women should stay at home and clean is often referred to as being traditional or having traditional gender roles and beliefs. Alternatively, they may be called a proponent of traditional gender roles or a believer in traditional gender norms.

Betty Friedan argued in the Feminine Mystique that suburban women were what?

Suburban women were unfulfilled in their traditional roles.

What are traditional roles women play in Hinduism?

Housewife, majorly.

What were the traditional roles of men and women in the 1950s in the US?

Men were earners and women were housekeepers.

Roles of men and women in Brazil?

Roles of women: the traditional role of a woman is in the home taking care of children, cooking, cleaning, and helping her family with their problems. Roles of men: the traditional role of a man is to provide for his family by working

The traditional belief that women should be responsible for nurturing a family and that men should be responsible for taking care if of a family financially is referred to as?

Gender roles :)

Betty Friedan argued in The Feminine Mystique that suburban women what?

Suburban women were unfulfilled in their traditional roles.

How were pioneering women and flappers alike?

Both asserted the independence of women. or They both challenges the idea of traditional roles for women.

How have Chinese women's roles changed?

Chinese women have starting shifting away from their traditional family roles. Many are seeking careers and are getting involved in politics.

What was the role of women in Plato's republic?

In Plato's "Republic," women were considered equal to men in terms of their ability to perform duties and roles in society. Plato believed that women should have the same opportunities for education and should be able to participate in various functions of the city alongside men, including leadership roles. However, he still maintained some traditional gender roles and restrictions on women in areas such as marriage and family life.

Why the traditional roles of men in the Caribbean Are changing?

Because women are getting independant, by Veran.

What role did Catherine Beecher play in the education for women?

She believed that women should be educated for their traditional roles in life. The Milwaukee college for women was based on beechers ideas "to train women to be healthful,intelligent, and successful wives, mothers, and housekeepers."