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Apparently any daughters of the desceased were not as interested in jewelry as the mother; or this would have been talked about while she was still with them. Being a mother; I would want my two grown daughters to keep anything that was really important to them and sell the rest and split the money. Material things don't have to be as important to the kids as the mother might have felt. Any mother would want the daughters to make it as easy on them as possible.

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Q: Should jewelry belonging to deceased mother who died without a will go to the daughters in Massachusetts by law?
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Usually your lawyers help both of you to come to an amicable agreement of who gets what. Jewelry is usually left to the woman and no, he can't withhold money. If he gave you jewelry belonging to his mother or grandmother then it's wise just to give him those pieces of jewelry back even though they are legally yours only because they came down through his family. Marcy

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Anything minimalist and not overly extravagant. Black stones are especially appropriate. If the decease was very close to you, wearing a piece of jewelry that belonged to them might be a good way to perpetuate their memory. Historically, some mourning jewelry was made using hair from the deceased. This was common practice in the Victorian era when locks of hair would be enclosed in lockets or ring compartments. Or, strands of hair would be woven into the jewelry piece itself. It was also common to engrave the jewelry with the name of the loved one and the date of their death.

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Are executors of an estate who are also beneficiaries required to provide the other beneficiaries with an annual report?

Yes, you can request this through the lawyers. Executors (males) Executrix (female) are performing a duty and they have to account for every cent in that Estate. If the beneficiaries want to know what is going on they should not only have a copy of the Will given to them, but the Executor should be keeping some type of bookwork or journal as to what outstandings bills they are paying for the deceased. NOTE: Jewelry and personal effects of say the mother going to her daughters can be distributed before Probate. Marcy