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Just that. " I regret I will be unable to attend. " No explanation is required. You may send a gift or not , as you please. The invitation imposes no obligation on you except for a response.

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Q: Regret note can't attend bridal shower?
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What should you do when your mom says you cant go too a bridal shower?

your mom should let u go if she doesnt then she dont love ya

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no u cant

Can you bath or shower with common warts?

i cant

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No you will just regret not getting the PS3

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we cant tell you the answer if you cant tell us who ''she'' is :( sorry

Can you shower everyday after you got a new tattoo?

yeah you can unless your shower doesnt actually work in which case, no, no you cant.

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yes cause it cant have a shower dah

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No she's in a shower scene but you cant see anything through the shower curtain.

Why cant an ex look directly at you but looks at you when your talking to his friend?

signs of regret can't face you.

Why do people sound good singing in the shower?

because you cant hear there

What is a good shower routine?

Shower either once every day or every 2 days. if u cant shower at night do it in the morning. :)

What can't you not do when you got your hair perm?

You cant take a shower for at least an hour