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aproximently 53 survived to celebrate "Thanksgiving". that is not what they called it then though. and many people celebrate thanksgiving with turkey now a days but that was not what had happened. wild turkeys were often way to hard tocatch so they ate a lot of deer meet and fish but they did have a coiple of turkeys.turkey was not their min dish because they couldn't kill them. so yes there was not a lot of people to celebrate this harvest time because there was a lot of disease and things of that nature that had killed off most of the pilgrims.

so there was aproximently53 survivers!

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18 women and 11 girls made the voyage on the Mayflower. Only 14 total were alive 1 year later for Thanksgiving.

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Q: Of the original Pilgrims that came to the New World approximately how many survived to celebrate the first Thanksgiving?
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The original Thanksgiving was a treaty between Native Americans and pilgrims. This is the time to spend with your family and thank them for everything they did and do.

What is 'Thanksgiving'?

Thanksgiving is a time when the Pilgrims came to America and celebrated by having a feast with some Native Americans in the area that helped them get food. It was a huge feast with many people there. Today we celebrate Thanksgiving as a time to get together with family or friends. Turkey is definitely a popular food on Thanksgiving!Thanksgiving is a feast of thanksgiving, held on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States, and the second Monday in October in Canada. Traditionally, it is held to remember the celebration by the Pilgrims of the first harvest in the new North American colony. For more information on the history and original meaning of Thanksgiving, see the related question on how Thankgiving originated.The Pilgrims wanted to invite the Indians and to thank The LORD and Divine Providence for helping them survive in The New World.

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The fork was the eating utensil that was not used at the first Thanksgiving.

Who was the Pilgrim leader that invited the Indians to Thanksgiving?

The Plymouth colonists, led by Gov. William Bradford proclaimed a day of thanksgiving and prayer, it was shared by all the colonists and neighboring natives. The original feast was in 1621.

Is it true that Christians can not celebrate Thanksgiving?

No, that is not true at all. Thanksgiving is at least as "Christian" a holiday as Christmas itself is. In the original the "thanks" in question were being "given" to God. Some sects operate under a sort of generalized "all holidays are bad" umbrella belief, and as such do not celebrate Thanksgiving. However, it's definitely peculiar to a few sects rather than being a common Christian belief.

What percent of the pilgrims perished over the first winter?

Approximately 50% of the Pilgrims perished over the first winter. Out of the original 102 colonists, only about 50 survived by the spring of 1621.

What was the original purpose of thanksgiving?

It was a harvest festival and not called Thanksgiving.

Why did the Pilgrims celebrate Halloween?

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Was the pilgrims thanksgiving the first?

No. The concept was already in existence in English tradition; there was a day of thanksgiving after the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, for example. Another was called after the failure of the "Gunpowder Plot", and this became an annual tradition (which developed into Guy Fawkes day, so even the notion of an annual day of giving thanks as opposed to only after a special event wasn't totally original with the Pilgrims; and Thanksgiving in the US has elements of a "harvest festival", which have been celebrated in many cultures since prehistoric times.