In war, the rules of engagement refers to the "law" of attack. There are specific rules on when and for what reason the Military will be told to attack an enemy.
Terms of engagement are also known as rules of engagement. They are rules for military forces that define the circumstances, degree, conditions, and manner in which force, might be constructed as provocative or may be applied. Other definitions mean the rules or circumstances of engagement.
Are you asking about the "Rules of Engagement"? These state when military personnel can and cannot use force, and the amount of force they can use, when deployed.
They did not follow the rules of military engagement.
They did not follow the rules of military engagement.
The Rules of Engagement
The key concept for the Rules of Engagement are that they are directives to the military. They are guidelines that define circumstances, conditions, degree and the manner in which force can be used in various situations.
Rules of Engagement
Rules of engagement
Rules of Engagement
Rules of Engagement
Rules of Engagement