Elf(singular) Elves(Plural)
The plural of elf is spelled "elves." An example sentence could be: "The elves worked together to decorate the tree."
elves is another way of spelling it.
it may be Santa put a magical spell to make them alive.
A small dwarf or Santa helper is spelled elf. (plural elves)
Wood elves, high elves, dark elves, light elves.
Elves on Shelves are not real elves. They are elves that you place on a shelf to help kids get excited about Christmas.
The plural form of the noun elf is elves.
The possible words include:else - otherwiseelks - more than one elk (Elks for the order, BPOE)elves - plural of elf
Reindeer and Elves.
There is no medicine for elves because elves do not exist. Maybe they do lala land but not in reality. If anyone tells you that elves are real don't believe them because elves do not exist.
There are no such things as elves.