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Q: Is there a Day of the Dead for animals and pets?
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Could your fish be playing dead?

No. They don't do that. You love your pets, but they are stupid animals, it's dead. If it tricked you it deserves to die. Flush it up buttercup.

What do the celebraters believe returns on day of the dead?

The ghosts of the people/ pets who have past away.

How many animals dead per day?


What do pets at home do with dead animals?

Most pets do not have the instinct to bury or dispose of dead animals, so it is typically the responsibility of the pet owner to safely and hygienically handle the remains. Pet owners can choose to bury the animal or have it cremated at a pet crematorium. Some municipalities may also have specific guidelines for the disposal of dead animals.

What happens if you see 3 dead animals in the 1 day?

i want to know what are the 3 dead full animal

What types of animals were also mummified?

The people that were mummified had their pets mummified, also.

Should dead animals be eatin or buried?

Now that you put it that way i dont think people should eat dead animals. That is grose. I think people who eat meat eat should eat all animals they are edible. OH and i think meat eaters should not have pets. Because they will have to eat them

Who is the patron saint of pets with a feast day of January 17?

St. Anthony of Egypt, the abbot, is a patron saint of animals and his feast day is January 17.

Why is your mom allergic to all the pets exept for fish?

She's probably allergic to the pet dander. That's the tiny flakes of dead skin the animals shed.

What animals make bad pets?

Alligators are bad bad pets.

Are all pets smelly?

No, not all pets smell, some animals or pets smell rather good.

What are dead animals?

Dead animals are animals that do not live anymore. Their bodies do not function and they decompose.