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Both; it is a common celebration just as Halloween is to US.

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Q: Is the day of the dead more important to northern or southern Mexico?
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Where is the day of the day of the dead more important at northern or southern?

It is a Hispanic holiday so Mexico is where it is very important.

Is Day of the Dead more important in northern or southern Mexico?

Day of the dead is equally important in the north and south. It is a religious tradition of remembrance, not a regional one.

Where is day of the dead more important north or south Mexico?

Southern Mexico

Why is day of the dead more important in southern Mexico than in northern Mexico?

Because it is a mix of ancient Native American and Spanish traditions; northern Mexico was almost unpopulated and no traditions like this were known at the time, as it was inhabited by semi-nomadic groups without extensive cultural traditions. Before Spanish conquistadors conquered Mexico in the 16th century, a kind of Day of the Dead was celebrated by Aztec and Mayan societies, celebrating the children and the lives of people who had passed away. When Spain conquered Mexico in 1521, they merged their own All Souls Day with the already existing tradition, thus becoming Day of the Dead.

What countries can you go to on red dead redemtion?

rural America, northern Mexico, and urban America

Who had more war casualities the northern state or the southern state?

Northern 360,000 dead, Southern 260,000 dead. These are best estimates; exact figures are not possible. There would have been about two to three times that many wounded. On both sides disease killed two of these for every one the enemy did.

Is the day of the dead more important in urban or rural areas of Mexico?


Is day of the dead more important in rural or urban areas of Mexico?


What country are sugar skulls made in?

Sugar skulls are made in central and southern Mexico, as part of the Day of the Dead (November 1 and 2) celebration.

Where does red dead redemption take place?

It takes place in parts of Texas and across the border in Mexico. the great plains is Northern Texas.

What day in Mexico do they celebrate the dead?

In Mexico they celebrate the dead on Nov. 1-2.

What day is on day of the dead in Mexico?

The day of the dead in Mexico is November 1 and 2.