Something Better Somewhere Else - 2010 is rated/received certificates of: USA:R
just like everyone else in the world does !
just like everyone else in the world does !
Something Better Somewhere Else - 2010 was released on: USA: 21 May 2010 (Chicago, Illinois)
Just like anyone else! Birthday celebrations rarely have anything to do with religion.
i actually don't know wierd right but you could find out somewhere else
The same as anywhere else, really. They have parties, get presents and cards, go out with friends, go away for a weekend or maybe longer if it is a special birthday.
The cast of Something Better Somewhere Else - 2010 includes: Will Clinger as Lead Singer Molly Glynn David Pasquesi Christian Stolte Jenifer Tyler
Pi day is March 14, or 3/14 because Pi starts 3.14.... We celebrate peoples birthday on the day they were born. Einstein was born on March 14th so we celebrate his, and everyone else who was born on March 14th, on Pi day.
i dunno likes you better cheak somewhere else x
Everybody´s birthday is on Tet, the lunar new year. The only time they celebrate their actual birthday is the first birthday. So you celbrate your baby´s first birthday with a huge party, after that you celebrate tet like everybody else. Still, the baby´s age doesn´t change on his first birthday, it still change at tet. Vietnamese that have contact with westerners often celebrate their actual birthday too. It´s a reason to party, after all. But to answer your question. If they celebrate their birthday the celebrate like all other people. Everything from beers with friends to a nice dinner at a restaurant. Often people buy a cake to the person. He/she won´t eat much from it because Vietnamese don´t eat much sweet deserts, so it can be in the fridge for weeks.
Do something they enjoy with them. :] If they don't celebrate their birthday, it doesn't mean you can't shower them with love like you would anyone else! Even if its something simple like renting their favorite movie, or sending them an a funny e-mail.