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no you dont have to but its a tradition to do so

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Q: Is fireworks compulsory during Diwali
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Related questions

Where does Diwali Fireworks produce their product?

There is no company called Diwali Fireworks. However, Diwali is known as the "Festival of Lights" observed by Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism which includes the display of fireworks.

What are the characteristics of Diwali fireworks?

Diwali has a tradition of setting off fireworks and is often known as the festival of lights. The fireworks brightly light the entire sky and are often a variety of colors.

How do you make collage about Diwali?

Get lots of pictures of candles lights fireworks and type Diwali into google you should get loads.

Do Hindus fast in the month of Diwali?

Nothing is compulsory in Hinduism. Those who want to fast they can.

What is the popular name for Hindu festival?

Diwali= celebration of lights& fireworks Holli =festival of colours

What is lit during Diwali?

diyas and candles are lit during diwali. it is a festival of lights.

What is the best part of Diwali?

I don't know. It's your opinion. Probably the fireworks and the food if you're in India.

What do you do during Diwali to your house?

we cleaned our house during diwali. we painted the walls of our house and then decorated it.

Why are fireworks so important to the Diwali festival?

on the day rama and sita returned back to the kiingdom after being banished for 14 years they returned and they were welcomed with diva lamps and lights so when it comes to Diwali the use fireworks to represent the lights, canddles and diva lamps.

Why should not we burst fire crackers in Diwali?

we should not burn crackers on diwali because they cause a lot of air and noise pollution. Fireworks are fun to watch, but harmful. Diwali means pujas, lights, gifts, new clothes,etc, it doesn;t

Do Indians paint their hands for Diwali?

It is not compulsory to paint your hands in other words put mehendi on diwali . its an option and people do put Mehendi on the eve and happiness of festival .It is meant to be auspicious.

How does Diwali increase global warming?

Diwali celebrations can contribute to global warming through the use of fireworks, which release pollutants and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The increased burning of firecrackers during Diwali can lead to air pollution, including particulate matter and harmful chemicals, which can have a negative impact on air quality and ultimately exacerbate global warming.