There is no biblical association of a celebration devoted to one's intimate loves. In fact, few of the widely celebrated holidays have any direct biblical basis, but instead are a creation of tradition.
Valentine's Day as we know it would be more accurately described as a secular holiday than having any religious significance at all. In fact, the post-Vatican II calendar of Saints' Feast Days no longer recognizes February 14th as St. Valentine's Feast Day, however many Catholics still recognize the feast day, especially in Malta where the particular relics of a St. Valentine can be found.
February 14th is Saint Valentines day
Valentines day was named after Saint Valentine.
Valentines Day was for Saint Valentine. Most stores just wanted to make it a holiday so they could get money by selling candy so they started the holiday Valentines day on the feast day of Saint Valentine
Valentines day was to recognize the death of Saint Valentine.
Saint Valentine's Day 1929
it is what you won't
It is celebreated as Valentine day after saint Valentine.
It was a thing of a few minutes.
The Saint Valentines Day Massacre
6 billion dollars
The Saint Valentines Day Massacre