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According to the instructions in the Torah, the Passover festival lasts for seven days.

Each family brings the Paschal lamb sacrifice to the Temple, and eats it there, on the

first day, and refrains from eating any leavened products for the rest of the 7 days.

Judging by the use of the past tense in the question, it may surprise you to learn that

right now, today, in 2013, the Passover is still observed throughout the Jewish world,

with two primary modifications: First, the Paschal lamb sacrifice is not offered, because,

just now, there is sadly no Temple in which to offer it. Second, for very technical reasons,

the festival is observed for eight (8) days by Jews outside of Israel.


Both. The Torah calls it both one day (Leviticus 23:5) and one week (Leviticus 23:6). The one day refers to the offering up of the Passover sacrifice, while the full week is the complete festival. Note that the Passover sacrifice was offered up on the day before the full festival (unlike what the above answer implies). The day before Passover, while not a complete day of rest, was observed (Talmud, Pesachim 2b) as a minor festival (comparable to Purim, Tisha B'Av and Hol HaMoed, which have a partial cessation from work). The offering was brought on the afternoon of that day and was eaten that night, the first night of the full Passover festival itself.

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11y ago
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15y ago

Passover is seven days in Israel, and eight days outside of Israel (In the diaspora)

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12y ago

The events of the Passover in Egypt took place within a 24-hour period. (The previous plagues, Exodus chapters 7-10, were spread over one year.)

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13y ago

In Israel Passover is 7 days while outside of Israel it is 8 days long, counted from sunset to sunset each day.

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How many days are in passover?

7 days in the Land of Israel, 8 days in the Diaspora.

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In Israel it lasts seven days, and in the diaspora (out of Israel) it lasts eight days.

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Passover is a Spring holiday that ends after 8 days (or 7 days by some traditions). It has no distinctive ending.

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Begins evening of April 8 (April 9) and lasts 8 days outside of Israel, or 7 days inside Israel

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8 Days.

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Passover starts on the 15th of Nisan which falls either in March or April.

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Passover (Pesach) is celebrated in Nissan according to the Jewish calendar. This usually falls out in April according to the Gregorian calendar. The holiday is 7 days long in Israel and 8 days outside of Israel. In 2008, Passover starts on April 19th. In 2009, April 9th. In 2010, March 30.

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In Israel, Shavuot is 1 day. In the diaspora, it is 2 days.

What is Pesach the Jewish holiday?

Pesach is the Hebrew name for the holiday of Passover. Pesach is when Jews recount the story of the Exodus. The holiday is 7 days in Israel and 8 days outside of Israel.

Why is Passover celebrated 7 days in Israel and 8 days outside of Israel?

Actually, Passover was established as a 7 day festival. In fact, Passover is still celebrated as a 7 day festival in the land of Israel. However, in the Diaspora, the festival is 8 days. The reason for this is that when the new moon was originally sanctified in Jerusalem, the messengers couldn't get to the Jews living in the diaspora in time in order to let them know when the festival was to begin. As such, Jews in the diaspora kept an extra day because of the doubt. Now, even though there is a fixed calendar, this tradition continues and the festival is 7 days in Israel and 8 days in the diaspora. The first day of Passover (first two in the diaspora) is considered a holy day (Yom Tov). On the first day the Jews left Egypt. The seventh day (and the 8th day in the diaspora) is also considered a holy day. On the seventh day the miracle of splitting the sea occurred. The days in between are the intermediate days of the festival.

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What day and month was Jewish Passover 1957?

In 1957, Passover started on Tuesday April 16 - (actually on Monday evening April 15) and lasted 7 days in Israel and 8 days in the Diaspora.