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Englandisn't much different on Christmas between what they and Americans wear. They wear scarve's gloves and hats just as many Americans do. Father Christmas (Englands Santa) wears basically the same red robe and red hat as our santa does.

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Either smartly if visiting loved ones, comfortably if they are using it as a relaxing day off or in fancy dress if they are that way inclined...

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we put Christmas trees in our houses and put colourful baubles and lights on them. we also have Christmas lights on our houses and on street lamps. hope this helps!

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with chocolate coins or candies

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Q: In England how do they decorate their trees?
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When did trees first become popular in England?

Christmas trees have been used during winter festivities since the ancient times. It is said that Martin Luther was the first to decorate a tree for the celebration of Christmas in England.

When did Christmas trees first become popular in England?

Christmas trees have been used during winter festivities since the ancient times. It is said that Martin Luther was the first to decorate a tree for the celebration of Christmas in England.

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Pentecostals do decorate Christmas trees.

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