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Roman Catholic AnswerYou have two things confused: Friday abstinence, and Lenten fasting. Friday abstinence is not eating meat. In the United States, the Bishops have requested a dispensation so that people can choose some other penance outside of Lent, other than not eating meat, but everyone must still abstain from meat on Fridays during Lent. This has no upward age limit, you must abstain from meat on Fridays until the day you die.

Fasting if where you only have one full meal during the day. Current Church regulations stipulate that fasting is only required on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday (although it is a healthy spiritual practice at other times, as well). The law of fast only binds through your 59th year. So, if you are over 60, you are not bound by Church law to fast (although you still may) but you are still bound by abstinence.

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13y ago

At the age of 62, you need not fast but you should still not eat meat on Fridays in Lent. Outside of Lent it is OK provided that you give up something else in exchange. If you require meat for health purposes, year round, then you should get an indefinite dispensation from your parish priest.

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11y ago

Eating meat on Good Friday doesn't have anything to do with age. This is purely something that people do for religious reasons. So if your religion chooses not to eat meat, then your age doesn't play a part in this.

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7y ago

No, except for medical reasons, anyone age 14 and over cannot eat meat on Friday. Anyone age 60 and over is not obliged to fast on Good Friday, but meat is not allowed on any Friday regardless of upper age.

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What happens if a Catholic doesn't eat meat on Friday during lent?

That is what Catholics over the age of fourteen are supposed to do. Are you sure you are not asking the opposite question?

Why did catholics choose fish over meat during lent?

Because we would choose meat over fish any day! The whole point of not eating meat on Fridays during lent is that it is a sacrifice.

Does that include those over 60 years of age to abstain from meat on Fridays during Lent?

Yes, even those over 60 are required to abstain from meat on Fridays during Lent unless they are required to eat it for medical reasons.

Can poultry be eaten during Lent?

Yes. You can't eat meat on Friday, and Ash Wednesday (currently today).Roman Catholic AnswerThe law of abstinence, to which you are referring is: The law of abstinence forbids the use of meat, but not of eggs, the products of milk or condiments made of animal fatand is currently binding on all Fridays of the year, and Ash Wednesday. In the United States, people are allowed to give up something else on Fridays outside of Lent. So cheese, as a "product of milk" is legitimate. The complete current regulations are found at the link below.

What 2 days of Lent do you have to follow special food rules?

On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday Catholics over 18 must fast - eat only one larger meal. Catholics over 14 must abstain from eating meat on all Fridays during Lent and on Ash Wednesday.

Why no meat on Friday during lent?

Culturally there is a general preference for meat over fish. Lent is a time of sacrifice and penance in order to prepare for Easter, so the Church has deemed it appropriate to abstain from meat (the preferred meal) on Fridays as a sacrifice.

Can you eat chicken on holy Thursday?

It depends on your religion. Most Christian denominations that observe Lent allow the eating of meat and chicken. Many follow no dietary rules at all.Catholics abstain from eating meat from warm blooded animals (including chicken) on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays during Lent, including Good Friday.Catholics are required to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. That means one normal meal, two modest meals that add up to equal the other meal, and no snacking in between. Under age 14 and over age 60, as well as people who can't fast for medical reasons are exempt. In addition, the meat of warmblooded animals is not to be consumed on Fridays during Lent.The short answer about chicken: yes, but not on Fridays.Catholics abstain from all meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all other Fridays in during Lent. Seafood is allowed, but no poultry.

Can senior catholics over 59 years old eat meat on Friday?

The obligation to abstain from meat binds Catholics 14 years of age and older. The obligation to fast binds Catholics ages 18 to 59. So, a 59 year old does not eat meat on Fridays (during Lent).

What happens if you are over 18 during Lent?

Nothing in particular happens if you are over 18 during Lent.

Are Catholics allowed to eat white meat on Friday?

If you are Catholic, tyou are not supposed to eat any kind of meat on Fridays during Lent. Whether white, or any meat.Roman Catholic AnswerTo be clear: Catholics are not supposed to eat flesh meat on ANY Friday of the year, and Ash Wednesday. In the United States the bishops have an indult from the Vatican that says that the people MAY sustitute some other penance on Fridays outside of Lent. So, it is concievable that you could eat meat on a Friday outside of Lent IF you are giving something else up that is more meaningful to you. But for Lent it must be all flesh meat. This means that you can eat seafood and fish on Friday. See Paul VI's Apostolic Constitution on Penance, chapter III, below.

During Lent what is known as not eating meat?

On Fridays, Catholics over the age of 14 are not supposed to any kind of meat. Fish is okay however and many churches have "seafood dinners" on the Fridays during Lent.AnswerAbstaining. During Lent, one must abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday. The Church's rules require abstainingfrom meat on all Fridays of the year. Some countries have an indult where you may abstain from something else on Fridays outside of Lent although meat is still recommended, for a complete discussion of the current rules, read Pope Paul VI's regulations which are still in effect, at the link below.

Are Catholics over the age of 59 allowed to eat meat on Fridays during Lent?

No, all Catholics are required to abstain from the age of 14 until death.