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Q: How was the original holiday celebrated?
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This holiday is celebrated to give honor to Jesus and God.

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What is the number one holiday celebrated in the world?

The world's most celebrated holiday is Valentine's Day.

How is the holiday of Hanukkah celebrated?

Its a Jewish holiday, celebrated by lighting the menorah and saying the appropriate blessings and prayers.

When is holiday green day celebrated?

Holiday green day is celebrated is celebrated on April 22nd and is about recycling. It should not be confused with St. Patrick's day, which is celebrated on March 17th.

Who first celebrated?

As far as the first religious holiday that was celebrated, the most supported holiday is the Jewish Passover. However, the oldest holiday that was celebrated is New Years which is a celebration that begun around 4,000 years ago, celebrated by the ancient Babylonians.

What was the original purpose of boxing day?

Boxing Day, is celebrated the day after Christmas. In the Middle ages, it was a day when the wealthy boxed up items for the needy. Traditionally, it was a day when tradesmen and servants would receive gifts from their employees. Today, the holiday is a bank holiday that is primarily celebrated by shopping.

What kind of holiday do they celebrated in japan?

They celebrated the emperors birthday.

What is the jewsish holiday celebrated in December?

Kwanzaa is a Jewish holiday celebrated in december.

What holiday was Samhain celebrated as?

Today the holiday known as Samhain is celebrated as Halloween in the United States. It's a watered down, commercialized evolution of the old pagan holiday.