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Before Christianity the Christmas period was a pagan ritual festival dedicated to the winter solstice

It was a time of celebration of the spring to come. There was much feasting, animals which could not be sustained through winter were slaughtered and eaten.

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Q: How was Christmas different before the Christian era?
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What is before common era aslo reffered to as?

- Before Current Era - Before Christian Era - Before Christ

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It actually means Before Common Era or Before Christian Era =)

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BCE stands for "before Common Era" or "before Christian Era". It is a modern replacement for the original "before Christ" (BC).

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Yes. "BCE" means "Before the Christian Era"; "CE" means "Christian Era". (The Christian Era is the period of time that began after the birth of Jesus of Nazareth -- the most common calendar used these days.)

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BC in a date stands for Before Christ. The term used now is BCE for Before Common Era, Before the Christian Era or Before the Current Era.

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BCE means Before Christian Era.... Not sure what ADE means. No, it doesn't. It means Before COMMON Era. The whole world doesn't revolve around Christian wording.

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It stands for Common Era, as in the era starting 1AD of the Christian calendar. BCE is Before Common Era. It is sometimes used to have a non-Christian element to the description of the year.

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The non-religious versions of AD and BC are CE (Common Era) and BCE (Before Common Era), respectively. These terms are used in academic and historical contexts as a way to denote dates without reference to religious beliefs.

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In theory at least, Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, not the all-powerful retail sector, so it gradually came to be celebrated early in the Christian era.

What are the years BCE?

CE stands for Common Era or, if you prefer, Christian Era. It has the same meaning as the older form, AD (Anno Domini).BCE stands for Before Common Era (Before Christian Era). It has the same meaning as the older form, BC (Before Christ).Answer:CE is the secular world's substitute for AD ( In the year of our Lord)BCE is the secular world's substitute for BC(Before Christ )Common era and before common era do not have the same meaning as before Christ and in the year of our Lord because the terms exclude Jesus Christ, the main focus of the dating system.