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On February 14, the ancient Romans celebrated the Feast of Lupercalia in honor of Juno, the queen of the Roman gods and goddesses. Juno was also the goddess of women and marriage so honoring her was thought to be a fertility rite.

It wasn't until 1537 that St. Valentine's Day was declared an official holiday.

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10y ago

Valentine's Day didn't become an official holiday until well after the end of the Roman Empire. The Romans did celebrate the festival of Lupercalia, which cleansed the city of evil spirits and purified the city, around the same time of year as we celebrate Valentine's Day now.

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10y ago

Valentine's day otherwise know as the Roman Lupercalia Festival was a time where young women would line up to be hit wit the slain furs of dogs and goats in a effort to attain fertility.

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11y ago

they played around

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nope tunisia don't celebrate thanksgiving, christmas, easter, valentines day none of it at all.