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kiss there friend all day long thats wat u do <3

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Q: How people in Cameroon celebrate international friendship day?
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Why you celebrait friendship day?

To celebrate your friendships and appreciate all the people that you love and whose friendship you really value.

Do people in Cameroon celebrate Christmas?

Yes except Santa is a slightly different hue of red

Why do people in chille celebrate Christmas?

why shouldn't they? Christmas is a time for family. Shouldnt international countries get the same right to celebrate an international holiday

Why do people celebrate International Day of Francophone?

people celebrate it because they share a bond with the other 40 french countries

World Friendship Day?

World Friendship Day, also known as International Day of Friendship, is observed on July 30th every year to promote and celebrate the idea of friendship across cultures and countries. The day encourages people to come together, bridge differences, and promote peace and understanding in society through the bonds of friendship. It serves as a reminder of the importance of friendship in building a more harmonious and cooperative global community.

When do you celebrate friendship day?

You celebrate the good friendships you have worked on with these kind people that you can tell just about anything and that are always there for you! and these people are called "friends". Maybe next time friendship day comes around you will be able to spend time with your friend and enjoy something you both like.August 7th!

When is friendship week?

= When is Friendship Day? = Celebrate Friendship Day 2009 on August 2, SundayHuman beings are social creatures and have always valued the importance of friends in their lives. To celebrate this noble feeling it was deemed fit to have a day dedicated to friends and friendship. Accordingly, first Sunday of August was declared as a holiday in US in honor of friends by a Proclamation made by US Congress in 1935. Since then, World Friendship Day is being celebrated every year on the first Sunday in the month of August.This beautiful idea of celebrating Friendship Day was joyfully accepted by several other countries across the world. And today, many countries including India, celebrate the first Sunday of August as Friendship Day every year. Celebrating Friendship Day in a traditional manner, people meet their friends and exchange cards and flowers to honor their friends. Lot many social and cultural organization too celebrate the occasion and mark Friendship Day by hosting programs and get together.It may be noted that some associations celebrate Friendship Day in an entirely different time of the year and with different customs. For instance, * National Friendship Day is on the first Sunday in August. * Women's Friendship Day is on the third Sunday in August * International Friendship Month is February * Old Friends, New Friends Week is the third week of MayHowever, what is remarkably same is the idea behind the celebration of the day. Everywhere, people express love for their friends and cherish their presence in life.

What day do people celebrate Labor Day in mexico?

They don't. They celebrate the International Worker's Day on the 1st of May, along much of the rest of the world.

When was Cameroon People's Democratic Movement created?

Cameroon People's Democratic Movement was created in 1985.

Why is Friendship Day celebrated?

Friendship day is celebrated because people care about Friendship. They believe that friendship helps you in multiple ways. It can help social skills, increase happiness, lift depression, etc. So why NOT celebrate it?

What could a good thesis be for a friendship essay?

A good thesis for a friendship essay could be: &quot;The essence of true friendship lies in mutual respect, trust, and support, which enables individuals to navigate life's challenges and celebrate its joys together.&quot;

Is valentine's day a global holiday?

YES, VALENTINES DAY IS INTERNATIONAL. but not all people have to celebrate it.