They were fined 5 shillings Pilgrims
your moms lmfao
The answer is 5 shillings.
=I think that there is no reason why people shouldn't be fined if they don't vote. They have an obligation to their country and they need to fulfill it. So there really isn't a reason why people shouldn't be fined if they don't vote.=
I think they were fined for keeping the treasures for themselves or being accused of taking the treasures.
No, i dont think YOU'd be fined but your parents could be. but the RIAA tend to go after the people who share compyrighted files rather than the people who download it :)x
The homophone for "fined" is "find."
Disney's Tinkerbell Christmas clipart can be found on websites such as Disney Clipart or Polyvore. However, some websites may ask you to purchase this in order to avoid being fined for copyrights.