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There is no age minimum to be a florist. You must follow the government and state guidelines for any employment, but I worked at our family florist all my life. My grandchildren started in the flower shop starting at about age 5. It's not your age that is important, but your knowledge of flowers and plants.

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12y ago
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11y ago

Many florists enjoy the benefits of owning their own business and being self-employed, while others work for large retail chains or smaller businesses. To have success in the floral industry, it is necessary to have education or training. Some certificates are required for florist designs.

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Unique Flowers

Lvl 2
4y ago

There is no time limit, you should be a good designer of flowers or interested in flowers. For the best service of flowers, you can visit the website of Unique Flowers who provides you with best online flowers delivery in Pune, Chandigarh, Maharashtra, Banglore, Kolkata, Hyderabad and all cities of India.

You can check the website :-

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11y ago

Its take two years to complete the certification course of florist after that you become florist.

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11y ago

There is no minimum age to be a florist.

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11y ago

Atleast 4 years course of florist

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