45 British Pounds is equal to 75 dollars and 54 cents in US dollars. There are calculators online that can complete this conversion in one simple step.
.65 GBP for one US $
As of today (02APR2011), 17.99 GBP is worth about $29.00 US Dollars.
185 GBP = 298.0506 USD
170 USD = 105.5190 GBP
349.00 GBP = 562.2684 USD
8,000,000.00 GBP = 12,888,674.08 USD
175 (gbp) = 266.55 (usd)
1 GBP = 1.60893 U.S. Dollars
8.76 http://coinmill.com/GBP_USD.html#GBP=5.50