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be ready to be robbed. it's around $100 last time i checked

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Q: How much for a dozen roses in NC?
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How much do a dozen roses cost at walmart?


What is better value a dozen roses for 52 or half a dozen for 30?

One dozen of roses for $52 is better value than half a dozen roses for $30.

When was Two Dozen Roses created?

Two Dozen Roses was created in 1988.

What does one dozen red roses mean?

One "dozen red roses" mean 12 red roses

When was One Dozen Roses created?

One Dozen Roses was created in 1971-08.

How many roses are in 21 dozen?

A dozen is 12, so 48 roses would be 4 dozens.

The women was going to be given a rose if the church had 2 dozen red roses 1 dozen white roses and a half dozen yellow roses what is the probability miss ventures will receive a white rose?

If a womam was going to be given a rose, and the church had 2 dozen of red roses, 1 dozen of white roses and a half dozen of yellow roses, the probability that miss ventures will receive a white rose is 1:3.5.

How much is a dozen roses on Valentine's Day?

mostly depends on where you go . average is &12.00

How heavy is a dozen roses?

Not that heavy. A dozen is only 12. From :)

How much would it cost for a bouqet of roses?

Bouquets of roses can have various degrees of costs. If purchased from a supermarket they could cost as little as $15 a dozen. If purchased from a floral shop you could be paying as much as $6 per flower, $72 per dozen.

What is the meaning of 2 dozen roses?

Red roses means love/romance. To tell someone you love them by buying them red roses can be done with as little as one red rose or two to three dozen roses. Some young men don't have the money to be so lavish, but those that do and buy a couple of dozen roses do so to #1 tell you they love you and #2 to impress you with two dozen red roses and that's all that it means.

What does half a dozen red roses mean?

* Whether half a dozen or a dozen red roses to the opposite sex is a sign of romance (love.) The person who sends have a dozen roses may only be able to afford that amount and there is no other significant meaning to it. Just accept it and enjoy the half dozen roses.